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The 3 Part Plan
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Taxpayer Slave
Erik J. Brauer
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Absurdity of
Appealing to
the Constitution

Campaign 3 Part Plan Page


2002 Run For Freedom Campaign

The beginning of the end for Taxpayer Slavery.

Updated, July 14, 2002
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The 3 Part Plan to Regain Freedom

Doing what you have always done, will almost always get you what you have always gotten, so a plan of action has been developed to reverse the constantly increasing socialism in the U.S.A. The American Constitution Party has enough guts to run on the issue of Taxpayer Slavery.  As a candidate, you can have a powerful effect in the following 3 ways.

I recommend running for a Federal seat against a Democrat, who always wins, for the following reasons.

  • Running against a guaranteed Democrat seat means that you will not be taking a win from a Republican by splitting the conservative vote, thereby helping the Democrats to have a majority.

  • Running for a seat in the U.S. Congress means that you can run for a seat which is not in your district.  In a recent Terms Limits case, the Supreme Court recently ruled that the Constitution contains the only valid qualifications for Federal office.  Districting is not in the Constitution.

Part 1

Educating the Public

As a candidate, FCC rules require radio and TV stations to sell time to a candidate at preferred rates.  Also, a candidate's ad may not be censored just because the station does not like what it says.  This means that 60 second radio ads can be run which educate the public about how their labor is harnessed for social programs effectively putting them into involuntary servitude.
These radio ads can also ask people to join the fight by signing onto a class action law suit or contribute their stored labor in order to hear more of these fun and informative radio ads.
By running radio ads which expose the Democrats for the slave traders that they are, the moderate voters will have a clear choice as to who the actual mean and cruel political party is.  This should affect the outcome of every political office, within range of the radio station, in favor of freedom.  In other words, one candidate running on the Taxpayer Slavery issue could cause Democrats in the whole State, or even the whole country, to lose. 

Part 2

Getting people signed on to a class action law suit

The radio ads can inform people about how to sign on to a class action law suit for their constitutional rights.
It is through this legal challenge that we have our best chance for freedom.  After the interest created by the radio ads, people will be watching and considering for themselves, the issue of Taxpayer Slavery.  Provoking thought on this subject should cause a enough logical thinking citizens to put enough pressure on the courts to do the right thing.
Also, the legal argument on its own, has enough weight to win by itself.

Part 3

Trying to effect change as an elected representative

If elected, or even if a significant amount of voters vote for the Taxpayer Slavery issue candidate, Politicians in the 2 big parties will start to see freedom as a winning issue.  This may even occur during this election cycle.
If elected, the Anti-Taxpayer Slavery politician can constantly remind the other representatives of their oath of office and possibly have charges brought against those who violate their oath of office.

All it takes to become a write-in candidate in Colorado, is sending a signed and notarized letter to the Secretary of State which identifies the office you are running for, and that you claim to be qualified.  This qualification mostly refers to age and citizenship but, certainly a candidate running on enforcing the Constitution is more qualified than people already in office who violate the Constitution.  After seeing some of the people who currently hold Democrats seats, it looks like an 8th grade education should be good enough.

Anyone running on the Taxpayer Slavery issue should refuse to get sucked into a conversation about yourselves.  When the media tries to destroy you by bringing up your past or qualifications etc., tell them that you won't waste time talking about yourself until after the issue which affects everyone, Taxpayer Slavery, is sufficiently aired.  Ask them if they are a member of the slavery party, or, do they believe in Taxpayer Slavery?  If they say that the public has a right to know who they are voting for, tell them "That's why I am talking about the Slave Trading Democrats."  If the media is willing to show Democrats saying that Republicans want to poison your water and pollute your air, then they can show you calling the Democrats the Slavery Party.  Remember, they can edit the interview any way they want after you leave, so don't talk about anything but Taxpayer Slavery until you have seen that the public accurately understands the issue.

Two 60 second ads each weekday night on a local conservative radio station during the Michael Regan show would be $300 per week.  It is not too expensive to start making a difference.

You now have a plan of action before you.  If you have the means or are willing to run and would like to make a difference for yourself and future generations, contact  Let us not say to our children that we had the chance to act and did not.  Remember, wining isn't everything, it's only 1 part of the plan.

Please help me to be a good steward of the freedoms God has given us

Donations recorded for reporting to the F.E.C.
Send your campaign donations to Erik J. Brauer
975 East First Street
Akron, Colorado  80720

Credit Card Donations

Campaign donations can also be made with credit card using to last name brauer.    It's easy to get your own PayPal account for payment, if you don't already have one, click here >