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2002 Run For Freedom Campaign

The beginning of the end for Taxpayer Slavery.

Updated, July 14, 2002
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60 second radio ads for public education

Reading these ads will also help you understand the strength of the Anti Taxpayer Slavery position.

Tired of politicians who create government handouts in order to bribe voters for votes? Unlike private charities, these government social programs force the taxpayer to involuntarily serve people who get the handouts and also serve the politicians who use the fruit of your labor in order to get elected. This is a violation of your 13th amendment rights. Now that the Republicans have joined the Democrats in breaking their oath of office by signing onto a government prescription drug program, where can you turn for redress?

Enter Erik Brauer and the American Constitution Party. We are dedicated to upholding the Constitution, a document with the principals which made this country great. Government run socialism combined with human nature causes poverty and is actually a war on prosperity, not poverty.
Maybe Republicans who hear this ad will uphold their oath of office, but I have no hope for Democrat politicians because the Democrat party has been maintained on the back of taxpayers for the last 70 years.

Join me in sending a message to our government by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Some people might say that the elimination of government run social programs is right wing extremism, but is it? When it comes to helping others, where is the middle? Let's find out . . .

Liberals feel that life is a lottery, and that the winners of life's lottery must be forced to help the losers via taxes and government handout programs. Unfortunately, this plays into the human nature tendencies of laziness and irresponsibility which causes more poverty.
Conservatives think that everyone can be successful, that each person must overcome the obstacles in his or her particular life in order to be successful. Since necessity is the mother of invention, giving somebody a handout steals the incentive they need to find the solutions for their life. The Conservative view counteracts human nature tendencies of laziness and irresponsibility.

So, left of center would be to force some people to help others via government programs, right of center would be to make some or all charity illegal. The middle would be freedom to choose when and how much to help others, either directly or by giving to charity.
Currently, the U.S. Government is engaged in left wing extremism by forcing people to involuntarily serve others via government social programs. This is a violation of the 13th amendment.

Join me in bringing the country back to the center of this issue by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

By agreeing to the implementation of government funded prescription drugs, the Republicans have joined the Democrats in putting the taxpayer into ever increasing involuntary servitude. It looks like waiting around for the government to protect our rights hasn't worked and never will.
Fortunately, involuntary servitude is illegal according to the 13th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. All we have to do is assert our rights. Until now, politicians in Washington could sleep at night by telling themselves there was no involuntary servitude. The taxpayers are just voluntarily going along with majority rule when they fund government social programs.

We must emancipate ourselves. For the record, I hereby declare that all government run social programs constitute Taxpayer Slavery by forcing the taxpayer to involuntarily serve the people who receive government handouts, and that I am personally being forced to serve involuntarily. This is a violation of the 13th amendment.
All power comes from the people. We only surrender some of our power to the people in government after they take an oath to uphold the Constitution. When they break their oath, they forfeit their office.

It is our duty as citizens to keep the government in check and pass liberty on to the next generation. Join me in this task by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Now that I have explained how government run socialism equals Taxpayer Slavery and is illegal, how will we end welfare without riots? Not a problem. Somebody needs to announce that the gravy train is over, probably the president.
The announcement should contain the following:
- Starting 6 months from now, no new welfare recipients will be allowed onto the system.
- One month from now, people on welfare will start being investigated to see if they have been receiving welfare illegitimately. Anyone found to be scaming the system will be hunted down and made to pay back any money ever received, but if you voluntarily leave the system in 29 days or less, you will be free and clear. This should drop the welfare rolls to less than half in one month.
- Any remaining legitimate people on the system will eventually not be qualified and the rolls will drop to zero at some point
- Encourage giving to and creating private charities so that people in need have a voluntary servitude assistance system available.
- Any civil unrest will be dealt with as per one of our founding mottoes, millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.

Join me in sending a message to our government by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Government social programs equal Taxpayer Slavery. This is a violation of the 13th amendment and it hurts the economy. Since social programs account for at least 44% of the Federal Budget and income taxes are only about 50% of Federal Revenues, the elimination of these illegal social programs would mean that income taxes could also be eliminated. Just think of what would happen to the economy if people didn't have to pay Federal income taxes. People who now rent a home could afford to buy. Businesses would have so many sales there would be jobs every where. We would have to kick people off of welfare just to fill all the new job openings.
It is an economic fact that when you fund something, like poverty via welfare, you will get more of it, more poverty. When you tax something, like work in order to pay for welfare, you will get less of it, more poverty. Government social programs stupidly do both at the same time. It is a war on prosperity.
With the U.S. in a war on terrorism, we need to stop having taxpayers as slaves and wrecking the economy.

Join me in this quest of prosperity for all. Help me stop Taxpayer Slavery by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

What is the essence of money? I find the most clarity and understanding of economics when I consider money to be labor in a stored format. I also find clarity if I think of all wealth as labor in a stored format. A table is the stored labor of the carpenter who built it. A car is the stored labor of the people who designed it, built the assembly line, mined the iron ore, maintained the machines that built it and the management who keep it all flowing. Even a gold nugget found on the ground represents the time and trouble it would take to replace it. Inflation is when the government prints more money than the actual performed labor needed to back up the dollars.
If somebody steals a car that you paid for with money, which you earned by your mental and physical labor, that thief effectively made you work for him. When a voter votes for a Democrat who promises to take your store labor and give it to the voter via a government handout program, that voter is trying to make you work for him. Enough Democrats have won elections in the past that you are now working for people on government handout programs to the tune of at least the amount you now pay in income taxes. This is servitude, and since you must pay taxes, this constitutes involuntary servitude, a violation of your 13th amendment rights.

Join me in stopping this legalized theft by becoming a part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Rush Limbaugh calls it a GIFT from the taxpayers, when somebody receives handouts from government social programs, but this is not accurate. According to Webster's Dictionary, the word gift comes from the word give. Taxes are not given, taxes are taken by intimidation, threats and coercion. It is one thing to tax somebody so that he is pulling his own weight , but it is another thing to tax somebody to make him pull somebody else's weight, effectively making the taxpayer involuntarily work for somebody else, Taxpayer Slavery. Therefore; recipients of government social programs are actually receiving loot, spoil or plunder from the taxpayers.
Let's quit lying to ourselves, government social programs equal Taxpayer Slavery, a violation of the 13th amendment. When politicians implement social programs or fail to eliminate programs which are already in place, they are breaking their oath of office and disqualifying themselves to hold public office. Apparently we are going to have to speak up to correct this situation and pass liberty on to the next generation.

Join me in the attempt to bring integrity back to our government which will also bring prosperity for all who want to work for it. Become part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Did you know that the United States Government is not a Democracy, it is a Constitutional Representative Republic. Our founding fathers considered democracies to be evil. In a Democracy, it only takes is a majority vote to reign tyranny on the minority. This is why they set up our government with a Constitution as supreme law of the land. The elected representatives are required to take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution and the Constitution puts limitations on government in order to protect the rights of the minority.
With our form of government, the majority is not allowed to vote a minority into slavery because the 13th amendment to the Constitution tells us that we are not allowed to vote that way. In order to make slavery or involuntary servitude legal, we would first have to get a super-majority to eliminate the 13th amendment.
The Democrats have been putting the taxpayer into ever increasing involuntary servitude since 1933 by creating government handout programs. These government social programs are actually a violation of the 13th amendment because they force the taxpayer to involuntarily serve the people who benefit from these government programs. Apparently, the Democrats think they can violate the Constitution by majority vote. They are mistaken. We must, however; stand up for our right not to be made into slaves by formally complaining.

Join me in lodging the formal complaint that government social programs are not voluntarily being served by all taxpayers. Become part of the 2002 Run For Freedom Campaign.
- Vote for Erik Brauer U.S. House District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer, is a vote for taxpayer emancipation.
- Send in a campaign donation in order to keep these informative ads on the air.
- Join the class action law suit where we sue for our rights instead of waiting for the majority to get it right.
- See for more information.

Have you ever thought about all the things you could do for your family with the money you pay in income taxes each year?
Save for or send you child to college, buy a house, take a vacation, help a family member, save or invest for retirement. Imagine all U.S. Citizens able to keep the money they now pay in income taxes. There would be so many jobs created, we would have to kick people off welfare in order to fill all the new job openings

People have told me that it is political suicide to tell it like it is. Especially if I expose government social programs for the constitutional violation that they are and attempt to eliminate them by asserting my 13th amendment rights. These people think that my fellow citizens are so short sighted that they couldn't understand how eliminating government handout programs and the taxes these programs require, will result in more spending, more new businesses and more jobs for the people who are receiving handouts. 

I say, once people understand how government handout programs cause Taxpayer Slavery, they will choose the Constitution over big government even if they are currently receiving taxpayer loot.

I'm Erik Brauer of the American Constitution Party, providing you with a chance to register your complaint against Taxpayer Slavery via campaign donations and votes. Show the other politicians that you CAN handle the truth. A vote a Democrat is a vote for slavery. A vote for Erik Brauer is a vote for freedom.

Some people have said to me "welfare is necessary because people probably wouldn't give on their own" To put it another way 'people have to be forced to serve involuntarily, because they might not voluntarily serve'. Many of the people who say this, are the same people who say that nobody has the right to force their values on somebody else. Hmm, isn't that what THEY are doing when they support government handout programs in order to force taxpayers into doing what they think should be done?

Why are Democrats always trying to take away my reasons to go to work? Every time I turn around, some Democrat is proposing a new government program which make it easier to be a failure. There are government programs to give me food, shelter and medicine. Democrats are always trying to make it easier to be lazy. The latest attempt to discourage me is some kind of prescription drugs for the elderly. If I want to use medical science to try and cheat death in my old age, maybe I should have to work hard while I've got the chance.
Not only do these government handout programs steal my incentive to go to work, but they add injury to insult by forcing me to involuntarily serve others if I'm the sap who works hard and become successful!
If I were old and broke and needed money for medicine, I might ask family, friends or a charity for help because they have the choice to say no. Government handout programs force the taxpayers to help me whether they like it or not.
Somebody should tell the government that success takes effort and effort takes incentive such as those who don't work don't eat. That somebody Erik Brauer, U.S. Congress Colorado District 2.

Hello, my name is Erik Brauer of the American Constitution Party. This election year I am offering you a chance to lodge your complaint with and help put an end to, the greedy politics of Taxpayer Slavery. Taxpayer Slavery occurs when the government forces the taxpayer to serve other people via government handout programs. Charity is a beautiful thing, and I highly recommend it, but charity is only charity when it is freely given. Jesus said 'give to the poor', not force somebody else to give.
Government social programs put the taxpayer in a position of involuntary servitude by forcing the taxpayer to serve people like it or not, this is a violation of the 13th amendment. I encourage all Republicans to stick with their anti tax and spend agenda. Resist the seduction of the dark side. I urge the majority of Democrats, who bribe voters with government handout programs, to stop it.

Vote for freedom by voting for Erik Brauer, U.S. House Colorado District 2.
Go to to learn more about Taxpayer Slavery and or send a campaign donation to keep these informative ads on the air.
Let's show America that freedom still gets a majority vote.

Have you ever wondered why the Democrats refer to themselves as the Democratic Party? Are the Republicans the Republic Party? I would say so. Our founding fathers considered pure Democracies to be evil, that's why they designed the U.S. Government as a Constitutional Representative Republic. In pure Democracy, all you need is a majority vote to reign tyranny on the minority. In a Constitutional Representative Republic, the people vote for a representative and the winner must take an oath to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution put limits on what the representative is allowed to do. In this way the rights of the people can be protected from mob rule. The bill of rights tell us what we are not allowed to do to our fellow citizens, like make them shut up if we don't like what they say.
Democrats act Democratic when they create government handout programs. They ignore the protection the Constitution provides against slavery, when they force the taxpayer to involuntarily serve people who receive benefits from government social programs. They think they can get away with it as long as they can get the majority to go along. Never the less, they are violating their oath of office, an impeachable offense.

Somebody has to stand up for freedom. I'm Erik Brauer, candidate for U.S. House Colorado District 2. A vote for Erik Brauer is a vote for freedom. Go to to find out how you can help keep these informative ads on the air.

15 second radio ads for public education

Reading these ads will also help you understand the strength of the Anti Taxpayer Slavery position.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs are a war on prosperity, not poverty. When you tax something, you'll get less of it.  When you fund something, you'll get more of it.  Government handouts stupidly tax work and fund poverty.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs make the needy into a political football.  By allowing our government to violate the 13th amendment, politicians bribe voters for votes by promising government handout programs like food stamps and prescription drugs.  These programs are left wing extremism.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs will always end up less efficient than private charities.  Private charities have to do a good job or you might decide not to give to them, but if government handout programs do a bad job, you still have to pay the tax.  Find out how much this is costing you at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs allow politicians to force people, who disagree with them, help them get elected.  You might not agree with Democrats, but you help them get elected with every paycheck you earn because they tax YOU in order to hand out money for votes via government social programs.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs are a form of involuntary servitude, a violation the 13th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  Since you have to pay taxes regardless of you other obligations, people who are on government social programs get the fruit of your labor first, BEFORE you and your family eat!  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs create a sense of entitlement among the poor.  If the poor had to go hat in hand to an actual charity, they would probably be more appreciative of the help they are receiving.  If we were had a depression with the entitlement mentality we have today, there would be big trouble.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs take money away from private charities.  Government social programs have been known to waste 72 cents out of every dollar they get.  With the amount of taxes we pay to fund government waste, there isn't much left for charities which actually do a good job.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs exacerbate the human nature tendencies of laziness and irresponsibility.  Democrats take my away my reasons to go to work by creating government programs to give me food housing and medicine.  To add injury to insult, these programs make me pay for somebody else if I do work.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs are left wing extremism.  Liberals force you to behave as they dictate using government social programs because you are force to participate via taxation.  If the country ever went as far right as it is currently left, charity would be illegal.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs equal taxpayer slavery.  Let's face it, when taxes come out of your check in order to pull somebody else's weight, you are being made to work for them.  That's involuntary servitude via government and taxes. I define this as Taxpayer Slavery.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs allow control freaks to force their ideas on you.  I have asked Democrats why we need government handout programs, they say "because people might not give", admitting they want to force people into involuntary servitude.  These are the kind of people the Constitution is supposed to protect YOU from.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs allow excuses rather than achievement to rule the day.  When somebody works for a living, they have to keep producing day in and day out, but with government handout programs, all you have to do is come up with a good excuse not to work and your set.  Find out how to stop this at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs raise the price of every thing you buy.  Even if you pay no income taxes, the cost of government handout programs causes higher prices of every thing you buy.  One way or another the people who actually work, pay the socialism bill.  Find out how to solve problem this at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs require an act of Congress in order fix problems. This is the worst way to help the needy.  Private charities can be much more flexible.  By ending government handout programs, more dollars will be available for the more responsive private charities.  Find out more at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs are costing you at least the amount of income taxes you are paying.  Government handout programs make up at least 44% of the budget.  Income taxes account for about 50% of federal revenue.  Consider you income taxes to be at least the amount of slavery you are under.  Find out how to solve problem this at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Welfare Programs are responsible for the national debt, a tax on your children who didn't even have a chance to vote against it.  Are you one of the many young people who are paying for the Democrats government handout vote bribing schemes?  Find out how to solve problem this at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

I'm Erik Brauer and I'm feed up with Taxpayer Slavery.  Some people say that wanting to end government handout programs is greedy.  Who is greedier. Someone who does not want to be forced to involuntarily serve wasteful government social programs, or the socialists who want to forcibly take the fruits of another persons labor?  Find out more this at
Vote Erik Brauer for Congress.

Please help me to be a good steward of the freedoms God has given us

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Send your campaign donations to Erik J. Brauer
975 East First Street
Akron, Colorado  80720

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